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Did you stop at any point and think about how your home office should be designed? What type of office setup do you need? Most entrepreneurs have their offices at home. Do you evenhave
space for an office at home?

The purpose of the following two articles is not to give you a
blow-by-blow plan of how to set up your home office but more to give you tips and advice that’ll save you time,Home Office Essentials Part One Articles heartbreak and money.

Your Desk
Newspaper ads years ago were filled with adverts stating “start a business from your kitchen table”. While in theory (and in bad advertising) this is fine operating your business from a kitchen tables is entirely unpractical.

A good home office desk 오피추천 is functional, sturdy and has a clear, flat worktop. You’ve seen those office desks that are filled with drawers, shelves, keyboard trays and tons of other nooks and crannies. Firstly this type of desk looks fine in a catalogue but is far smaller when you actually build it.

Secondly all those drawers and shelves only give you more places to lose stuff. Keep your desk simple.

The ideal home office desk has a large, flat working area with at least one deep drawer for storing files and another shallow drawer for storing pens, paper and other consumables.

Ideally the desk should also be L shaped. This allows you to place your work around you as opposed to constantly having to stretch and reach for different items. The L shaped desk will provide you with a more practical working environment aswell as saving you backpain problems later in life.

Your Chair
This is where you’re going to be spending a considerable amount of time. Never, ever skimp on your home office chair. It is absolutely essential that you have a good office chair.

Many new home business owners make the critical mistake of using a kitchen, spare household or even a garden chair for their home office. This boggles the mind considering the same person probably wouldn’t think twice about paying $1,000 for a new computer but won’t pay $100 for a quality office chair.